Jews, Church, & Civilization I


The Shang Dynasty is succeeded by the 800–year Zhou Dynasty (1046–256 BCE).

King Wu of Zhou invokes the so–called “Mandate from Heaven,” a celestial invocation of legitimacy to rule by divine right, employed by succeeding claimants to the Chinese thrown over the centuries.

(Author’s note: I use this line, with my three kids, with mixed results.)

The Zhou Dynasty, China’s longest, spans 37 emperors.

Note that for some reason, Zhou Dynasty emperors reign approximately 21 years on average, whereas preceding Shang Dynasty kings reign just 8 years on average.

In any event, in 221 BCE, Qin defeats the other six states, including the Zhou, and finally unifies China under the Qin Dynasty.

Note: Whenever you hear that so–and–so “unified a country,” do not assume that this was a nice and sweet “Boy Scout operation.”

2700 BCE: Alphabet

Egypt: Twenty–two Hieroglyphics employed. Civilization as we know it commences. 2700 BCE: PLUMBING (OUTDOOR)

Urban settlements in the Indus Valley. Earthenware pipes employing asphalt are used.


–sets the stage for more advanced pyramid building in Egypt.

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