Jews, Church, & Civilization III


From these two power bases, Prince Henry would direct notable Portuguese study and advances in the inter–related fields of cartography, navigation and exploration, in particular. Prince Henry (born 1394, the third son in–line) evolves into the prime catalyst for Portuguese sea navigation up through his death (in 1460). He leaves a major historic legacy as steward of Portugal’s historic explorations.

The following Portuguese captains/explorers, among others, set out under his aegis: Zarco, Perestrelo, Teixeira, Velho, Eanes, Tristão, Goncalves, Dias (Diaz), Cadamosto and da Gama.

In parallel, Prince Henry played a key role in consolidating and advancing Portuguese advanced study in all the major disciplines of the time. Eventually, in 1431, he consolidated all the various centers of study in his formidable orbit—both of the hard sciences and the soft—into the Estudo Geral, which eventually evolved into the University of Lisbon.

1421 CE: ZHENG!

Fleet Admiral Zheng He, Ming Dynasty, China:

According to the very carefully—and convincingly—presented “1421” thesis of researcher, ex–Royal Navy submariner and history writer Gavin Menzies (Harper Collins publishers, © 2002) one of Fleet Admiral Zheng’s fleets [under the command of Captain Zhou Wen] reached the Americas in 1421 (beating Columbus by 71 years) and traversed the entire American East Coast (not just one Caribbean Island, as per Columbus); and one fleet [under the command of Captain Zhou Man] traversed the entire California Coast (1421–2) as part of its historic

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